About Us
ASOCOPI is a non-profit professional organization whose mission is to contribute to the betterment of English Language Teaching in Colombia by means of promoting quality Educators.
ASOCOPI will be seen as a respectable representative of English teachers and English teaching in Colombia and will play a leading role in the promotion of quality teaching, and social responsibility in our country and the region.
Identify and promote teamwork among English Language Teachers in Colombia. Strengthen the sense of belonging among the members of the profession.
Documentos de la Asamblea General de ASOCOPI.
Estados Financieros Informe de Gestión 202 4 Presupuesto 202 5

Jhonatan Vásquez-Guarnizo
is an English language teacher-educator at the School of Languages at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) in Tunja, Boyacá. He is currently pursuing an Interinstitutional Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis on ELT Education at Universidad del Valle. He holds an M.A. in Education with an Emphasis on English Didactics from Universidad Externado de Colombia, an M.A. in Language Teaching from UPTC, and a B.A. in English Language Teaching from Universidad de la Amazonia. His research interests include gender perspectives, critical interculturality in ELT, and the development of contextualized materials from a decolonial perspective. He is a member of the research groups “TONGUE” at UPTC and “EILA” at Universidad del Valle.

Andrés Felipe Micán-Castiblanco
is an English language educator-researcher in the Departamento de Estudios del Lenguaje at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. He is currently pursuing an Interinstitutional Ph.D. in Education, emphasis on ELT Education, at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. He holds an M.A. in Neuropsychology and Education from Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), an M.A. in Foreign Language Teaching from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), and an M.A. in Literary Studies from Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UN). He also holds a B.Ed. in Spanish and Foreign Languages with an emphasis on English and French from UPN, and he is a linguist from UN. Additionally, he is a Normalista Superior from Escuela Normal Superior Nuestra Señora de la Paz. His areas of interest include teachers' narratives, identities, and pedagogic knowledge, Anglophone Caribbean literature, and the intersections between pedagogy, linguistics, and literary studies. He is a member of the research group “Lenguajes, pedagogías y culturas” at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Official spokesperson
Andrea Cardona-Márquez
is an English language teacher-educator in the B.A. in Foreign Languages with an Emphasis on English at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó and serves as the EduLab Amigó coordinator at the same institution in Manizales, Caldas. She holds a B.A. in Modern Languages and an M.Ed. in English Didactics from Universidad de Caldas. She has been a teacher trainer and spokesperson for several years in Colombia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Her professional interests include teacher and student training in educational technologies, flipped learning, gamification, and the integration of AI in education. Her research focuses on the impact of fixed and growth mindsets in language learning.

Lourdes Rey-Paba
is an experienced English language teacher, educator, and researcher. She is currently serving as the Director of the Instituto de Idiomas at Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. She has taught at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Her collaboration with the Colombian Ministry of Education includes several projects aimed at advancing the national bilingual program, and she played an integral role in designing a national curriculum for primary and secondary education. Additionally, she has worked closely with regional education authorities to enhance the English curriculum in over 12 schools across the region. Her research interests include curriculum design and review, teacher education, English language teaching and learning, and the internationalization of higher education. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences and contributed her research through various publications. She is a member of the COLCIENCIAS-ranked research group “Language and Education” at Universidad del Norte.

Jonathan Delgado-Ochoa
is an English language teacher-educator at Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana (ÚNICA) and a research assistant at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Education at Universidad de los Andes. He holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics and a B.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Universidad Distrital. His research interests focus on inclusion, decolonial studies in English Language Teaching (ELT), and design in ELT. He is a member of the research groups “INNOBED” at ÚNICA and “Educación para el Bilingüismo y el Multilingüismo” at Universidad de los Andes.


Administrative Manager
Miriam Cristina Vera.
I have been ASOCOPI's administrati ve Manager since 2013. I hold a B.Ed in Philology and Languages from the National University of Colombia (2008), where I currently work as an English language teacher.

Edgar Lucero
HOW Journal Editor
Edgar Lucero is a full-time teacher educator in the Education Sciences Faculty at Universidad de La Salle. He is a PhD (c) in Education, ELT Emphasis, at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogota. He holds an MA degree in Applied Linguistics for TEFL, a postgraduate specialization degree in Didactics of Languages, and a BA in Spanish, English, and French. His research interests are in Classroom interaction, and Language Teaching Didactics and Pedagogy.

José Da vid Largo
HOW Journal Assistant Editor
I am José Largo. I hold a B.Ed. in Modern Languages from UPTC. Currently, I am pursuing my MA in Applied Linguistics at Universidad Distrital and belong to the research group ESTUPOLI. I am a full-time teacher at a private school in Bogotá. My research interests include culture and identity issues, English language teaching, and language policies.

Sileny Villaveces.
I graduated as an accountant from Universidad Externado de Colombia. I was the financial manager at Automercol S.A. for about 15 years. I also worked as accountant for the Serrezuela Country Club and for the Gun Club in Bogotá. I am the ASOCOPI's accountant.
Yvonne Garrido, Charles Genand, Gabriel Gómez, Anttoine Katah, Helena de Reyes, Humberto Trujillo, Beatriz Castilla, Peggy Drumgold, Shuyler Hamilton, Patricia de Morales, W. Leland Northam, Lino Betancourt, Clare de Silva, Hugo Acosta, Ruth Romero, Enrique Escobar, Gustavo Troncoso.