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Special Call for school Teachers

    earn from Outstanding Experts at English Language Teaching Conference 2025

Special Call for school Teachers is already open  

This year the general topic of ASOCOPI’s Conference is "Linguistic Empowerment: Celebrating our Legacy, Envisioning our Future". One of the main objectives of the conference is to connect more with English language teachers from public and private schools. We are inviting teachers from all grade levels to share their innovation projects or pedagogical experiences.   


  • 1. Read all the instructions and guideline
  • 2. Complete and submit the Proposal Form .  
  • 3. After May 20th, 2025, we will inform you whether your proposal has been accepted.


Every year ASOCOPI invites international and national academics to give a talk in front of all the attendees of the conference. This year, however, we want to invite two teachers from elementary or high schools to be plenary speakers. We will choose one teacher from a public school and one from a private school. These are instructions on the criteria and steps to send your presentation proposal:   

       1. The proposal must report on an innovation project carried out at the community, institutional, or classroom level.

       2. The proposal must have been originated in the English area to improve or promote teacher development, innovative teaching practices, or community involvement .   

        3.  ASOCOPI will provide support and accompany the preparation of the 60-minute plenary address that the selected teachers will deliver.    

       4.  Remember to record a 5 to 7-minute video in which you tell us about the innovation project you will present. Include its origin, objectives, participants, setting, implementation process (past or ongoing), and its impact. Upload the video in the description section

Conference Theme

  Recommendation for Presenters


Tips for abstract Writing

Políticas para  tener en cuenta


          Límite de Participación

Los(as) ponentes están limitados a un máximo de  una ponencia en el congreso 2025.  

Las ponencias aceptadas pueden tomar la forma de:

●     Ponencia individual
●     Ponencia con otro presentador
●     Ponencia con otros dos presentadores
●     Coloquio
Moderador(a) (en un panel, o coloquio) no cuenta como presentación

Política de asesor
profesor para ponentes estudiantes

Los ponentes que sean aun estudiantes de pregrado deberán contar con un docente asesor para poder hacer la presentación. El docente puede presentar con el estudiante o hacernos llegar una certificación firmada donde certifique que hará el acompañamiento durante todo el proceso de envío de la propuesta y preparación para la ponencia con el fin de asegurar la calidad de las presentaciones.

Política de cancelación y devolución de dinero

Consulte  aquí la política de cancelaciones y devoluciones

If for any reason a speaker is unable to present; please notify the cancellation in writing promptly to our email asocopicolombia@gmail.com

 Failure to do so, will set a precedent and be grounds for negating any forthcoming participation as a presenter.  No certificate will be given to absentee presenters.   ONLY presenters who attend the conference receive a certificate. 

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