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Through this strategy ASOCOPI purports to strengthen Colombian ELT community by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas between the different SIGs and their members. ASOCOPI truly believes that the exchange of ideas and experiences between teachers is a source of professional growth; however, it is more significant if it is informed by research and sustained dialogue with members of the research groups.

Below is a list of ASOCOPI’s SIGs, feel free to join any of the groups.

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CALL/CMC and Multimodal Pedagogies.

Facilitator Research Group Institutional Affiliation
 José Aldemar Alvarez Valencia

Co-Coordinator: Alejandro Fernández

Equipo de investigación en Lingüística aplicada

Universidad del Valle
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Literacies in ELT (LitsELT)
Facilitator Research Group Institutional Affiliation
Raúl Alberto Mora

Literacies in Second Languages Project

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

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Children’s Language Learning
Facilitator Research Group Institutional Affiliation
Claudia María Uribe Hoyos

Co-Coordinator: Evelin Cristina Quiceno 

Educación, Infancia y Lenguas extranjeras

Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

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Interculturality, Social Justice, and English Language Teaching


Facilitator Research Group Institutional Affiliation
Carlo Granados

Innovations in Bilingual Education

Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana (ÚNICA)

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Materials Development and Didactics

Facilitator Research Group Institutional Affiliation

Astrid Núñez Pardo

Critical Pedagogy and Didactics for Social Transformation

Universidad Externado de Colombia 

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Education in languages and sociocultural phenomena

Facilitator Research Group Institutional Affiliation

Edgar Lucero Babativa

Co-Coordinator: Andrea Muñoz Barriga 
Co-Coordinator: Yamith José Fandiño Parra 

Education in languages and sociocultural phenomena)

Universidad de La Salle 

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