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National Congress

59th ASOCOPI Annual and 5th International Conference & 4th LAALTA Conference

We are very proud and excited to organize the 59th Annual and 5th  International Conference in Barranquilla - a global event aiming to present and host all the updates and trends in the field of Foreign Language Teaching worldwide.

¡Asiste al Congreso ASOCOPI 2024 con un 30% de descuento en vuelos LATAM!

 ASOCOPI ha realizado un convenio con LATAM para que puedas asistir al congreso con un 30% de descuento. Las ventas estarán disponibles del 2 de septiembre al 1 de octubre. 

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 ¡No pierdas esta oportunidad y asegura tu lugar en el congreso!



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you can pay this in Colpatria 4792000638 or Caja Social save account 24074653285 Ref 1: 15723258 and then attach the copy of the bank payment to  "Become a member form" 


   Dr. Christian Walter

Principal of Sylvia Mendez Newcomers School

Christian Walter is the principal at Sylvia Mendez Newcomers School. Former EL teacher and presenter for the North Carolina Department of Instruction EL Support Team, he was recognized as Guilford County School’s Assistant Principal of the Year Finalist in October 2020. He is also a 2021 Latinxed Fellow and participated in the New Leaders' Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA) in 2019-2020. Born and raised in Argentina, Christian earned his Bachelor’s in English and Broadcasting from the National University of La Plata in Argentina, a MA in TESOL from Greensboro College and a post-Master’s Certificate of School Administration and Executive Leadership from Gardner-Webb University. He also holds a post-master’s certificate for school administrators in Dual Language Immersion Programs from East Carolina University and an Ed.S from East Carolina University. Currently, he is a last year doctoral student at East Carolina University. Passionate about social justice and educational equity, his philosophy is tied to the belief that all students can learn regardless of their ethnicity or socio-economic status provided they are exposed to high academic expectations. 

      Dr. Priyanvada Abeywickrama

               San Francisco State University

Dr. Priyanvada Abeywickrama is Professor of English in the Department of English Language and Literature at San Francisco State University (SF State) and coordinates the TESOL MA program where she teaches graduate courses in second language listening & speaking and curriculum & assessment development. Dr. Abeywickrama also coordinates the Composition for Multilingual Students Program that serves both domestic and international multilingual learners. In addition to coordinating this program, from time to time, she also teaches writing and oral communication to undergraduate multilingual students. Dr. Abeywickrama is Chair of Graduate Council which serves as an advisory body to the Dean of Graduate Studies at SF State and also serves as a senator on SF State's Academic Senate that develops policies and procedures regarding faculty and administrative appointments, curriculum, business and fiscal matters, campus development, academic standards.   Dr. Abeywickrama’s research combines language assessment with issues in second language literacy and oral skills. As a teacher trainer, more recently her interest has been on classroom-based assessments that focus on assessment for learning. Being bilingual, a secondary area of her research is discourse analysis; specifically, codeswitching. She frequently presents her research at the annual conferences of CATESOL, International TESOL, and the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Dr. Abeywickrama is co-author with H. D. Brown of Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, 3rd ed. (Pearson, 2018). 

Dr. Jamie L. Schissel

University of North Carolina

Jamie L. Schissel is Associate Professor, TESOL at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Her community-engaged research focuses on assessment, language education policies, and teacher education specifically affecting culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Through historical analyses and participatory action research collaborations, her research projects emphasize relationship building to challenge inequities and enact more just educational practices. In doing so, Schissel strives to account for the social implications of this research. With Drs. Mario López-Gopar and Constant Leung, she co-founded and has co-facilitated meetings for Asociación Mexicana de Evaluación de Lenguas Indígenas (AMELI) since 2018.


Dr. Frank Giraldo

Universidad de Caldas

Frank Giraldo is a professor at the Foreign Languages Department of Universidad de Caldas in Manizales, Colombia. His main academic and research interest is the intersection between language assessment literacy (LAL) and teachers’ professional development.

Dr. Katherine Bolaños

Fundación para la Preservación de la Diversidad Étnica y Lingüística (Fundación PDEL)

Katherine Bolaños is assistant professor at the Universisidad de los Andes, Department of Languages and Culture, in Colombia. Her research has focused on the linguistic description of endangered languages, with a specific focus on languages of lowland amazonia (Kakua, Cabiyarí, Tinigua), producing grammatical descriptions, and linguistic research on typological features of these languages. Dr. Bolaños is also the director of PDEL(Fundación para la Preservación de la Diversidad Étnica y Lingüística www.fundacionpdel.org), an NGO dedicated to collaborative work and support to indigenous youth working on the promotion and preservation of their languages and cultural practices. Bolaños has dedicated the past years in promoting indigenous youth in process of documentation and preservation of the linguistic diversity in Colombia. She has also contributed as a consulter for the Colombian Ministry of Cultures and Arts in matters related to linguistic diversity in the country. 

  Jorge Mario Perdomo Santacruz

Institución Educativa Normal superior del Quíndio

Jorge Mario Perdomo Santacruz holds a B.A. in Modern Languages from Universidad del Quindío, and an M.A. in Education from Universidad de Caldas. He has worked for Secretaría de Educación in Armenia - Quindío for 17 years teaching English to primary and secondary students.

"¡Hola a todos! Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestra colaboración con la Asociación LAALTA este año. Nuestra misión es mejorar la enseñanza del inglés en Colombia, creando espacios para intercambiar ideas, experiencias y conocimientos. Juntos, podemos hacer una diferencia significativa. ¡Gracias por ser parte de este viaje educativo!"



"¿Te gustaría ser parte de los patrocinadores del evento de profesores de inglés más importante del país? Haz clic en el botón de abajo y descubre todas las formas de cooperación que tenemos para ti. ¡Únete a nosotros y sé parte de este evento educativo destacado!"


paquetes  para patrocinadores

Join in the ACADEMIC    Experience 

The ASOCOPI Annual Conference Program 2024 features an exciting selection of high-level Plenary sessions and highlight Academic presentations selected by the Annual Conference Academic  Committee!

 Pre- conference workshops
Plenary sessions


    United States





    Costa Rica



asocopi annual conference venue

Know our conference venue, 2024

Universidad del Norte

La universidad del Norte es una institución de educación superior privada que tiene como misión la formación integral de la persona, y la contribución, mediante su presencia institucional en la comunidad, al desarrollo armónico de la sociedad y del país, especialmente de la Región Caribe colombiana. Busca formar a sus estudiantes como personas pensantes, analíticas y de sólidos principios éticos, que conciban ideas innovadoras a fin de que participen de manera activa, emprendedora, responsable, honesta, crítica y pragmática en el proceso de desarrollo social, económico, político y cultural de la comunidad. La Universidad del Norte cuenta con 28 programas de pregrado, 62 especialización, 50 maestrías y 15 doctorados que apuntan a las necesidades de formación profesional de la región. Cuenta con la acreditación institucional de Alta Calidad del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, así como también acreditaciones internacionales en muchos de sus programas. Se destaca también en la investigación al tener más de 40 grupos reconocidos por el Ministerio de Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación. Por su integralidad y excelencia académica, ha sido históricamente considerada como una de las mejores universidades de Colombia.





                  A 6 minutos en carro del evento

Loft Sencilla o Doble matrimonial  $245.000 Iva no incluido 
  • Desayuno americano  
Loft Senior Sencilla o Doble matrimonial
$245.000 Iva no incluido 
 • Jacuzzi con aforo para 15 Personas (9 am- 9 pm)
Persona Adicional $90.000 Iva no incluido   • Gimnasio (5:00 a.m. a 9:00 pm) 

RESERVAS: Telefono y Whatsapp: 3163056893 mail: comercial@sitesgroup.co

              HOTEL DORADO PLAZA

                  A 12 minutos en carro del evento

Superior:  Acomodacion sencilla o doble, cama king $214.200 Iva incluido 
  • Desayuno tipo buffet
Superior Acomodacion sencilla o doble, cama twin 
$238.000 Iva incluido 
 • Acceso a zonas húmedas (Piscina para adultos, niños y jacuzzi)
Persona Adicional $90.000 Iva incluido    Parqueadero interno gratuito

RESERVAS: Telefono y Whatsapp: STEFANNY DIAZ - CEL: 3104610069 - ventasbaq2@doradoplaza.com

                 HOTEL WINDSOR


             A 12 minutos en carro del evento

Habitación Superior $160.000 + Iva
  • Desayuno Buffet
Habitación Delux $160.000 + Iva
 • Acceso a las zonas húmedas

RESERVAS: Telefono y Whatsapp: 3045620196 o 3012393643 email: ventas@hotelwindsor.com.co

                  HOTELGARDEN INN

A 7 minutos en carro del evento

Habitación standar (1 pax) $362.200 incluido Iva
• Desayuno Buffet  
Habitación standar (2 pax)
$392.390 incluido Iva
 Acceso al Gimnasio, Piscina y Business center 

Reservas: Teléfono 3860111 Ext 2400,whatsapp: 3103933588 email: Paula.Bolanos@Hilton.com

              HOTEL HOLIDAY INN 

A 12 minutos en carro del evento

Habitación stándar King(1 pax) $320.000  sin Iva
• Desayuno Buffet  
Habitación stándar  Twin (2 pax)
$380.000 sin Iva
 Acceso al Gimnasio, Piscina y Business center 

Reservas: Teléfono 3100500 Ext 5578, email: rparra@oxohotel.com

                  HOTEL MED SUITE 94 

A 10 minutos en carro del evento


habitacíon sencilla $154.000 incluido Iva Desayuno americano
habitación standar doble $190.000  incluido Iva Wifi
habitación standar triple
$261.800 incluido Iva


TURISMO EN barranquilla

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