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National Congress

60th ASOCOPI Annual and 6th International Conference 

We are extremely proud and excited to host the 60th Annual and 6th International Conference in Santa Marta. This historic event marks our 60th anniversary , a global gathering dedicated to showcasing the latest updates and trends in the field of Foreign Language Teaching worldwide.



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   Dr. Pedro Mayoral
University of Colima

Dr. Mayoral holds a Ph.D. in Education from ITESO, a Bachelor’s in English Language, and an M.S. in Technology and Education from the University of Colima. He has a Teaching Certificate with Commendation from the Anglo Institute and specialized training from Marjon University, UK. With 37 years in education, he has taught from early childhood to university levels, training teachers at the University of Colima, where he is a full-time professor and researcher. An experienced speaker, he has presented at TESOL New York, PBL China, and FIG in Sydney. His research explores technology, active methodologies, and learner autonomy.

   Dr. Veronico Tarrayo

         University of Santo Tomas (UST),                            Manila, the Philippines

Veronico N. Tarrayo, Ph.D. is a full professor at the Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas (UST), Manila, the Philippines, and a researcher at the UST Research Center for Social Sciences and Education. With a deep passion for inclusivity, he champions gender equality in English language education, seeking to break down barriers and challenge traditional norms in the field. His work has been featured in various indexed journals, focusing on gender perspectives in English language teaching and teacher ideologies. He has held editorial roles in academic publications, including the Asian Journal of English Language Studies, Professional and Academic English, and the International Journal of TESOL Studies. Through his research and advocacy, he is committed to reshaping how language education embraces diversity.

Dr.  Marjorie Campo Ringler

East Carolina University

Dr. Marjorie Campo Ringler is an experienced educational leader committed to building collaborative relationships that drive transformational change in educational settings. At East Carolina University, she developed innovative programs rooted in practical application, including a doctoral-level certificate in dual-language leadership. This initiative, a result of extensive collaboration with school districts, faculty, and community organizations, addresses the needs of multilingual learners. Passionate about actionable research, Dr. Campo Ringler has also led the statewide Multilingual Learner Education Initiative, working with university educator preparation programs and policy leaders across North Carolina to enhance leadership development for multilingual learner support.


Dr. Astrid Núñez - Pardo

Universidad Externado de Colombia

Astrid Núñez-Pardo, an associate researcher in the Master’s Programme in Education at Universidad Externado de Colombia, holds a PhD in Education Sciences from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, an MA in Education from Universidad Externado de Colombia, and a Diploma in Linguistic Studies from the University of Essex -UK and in Child Rights Management from Lund University-Sweden. Her research interests comprise cultural, political, and knowledge hegemony in EFL textbooks, critical analysis of English textbooks and teacher generated materials, and critical interculturality. Recognised with the Claire de Silva Award and as a Pioneer Colombian Woman in the comprehension EFL materials from a critical decolonial perspective.

Dr. José Vicente Abad Olaya 

Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

José Vicente Abad holds a master 's degree (Saint Mary 's University, USA) and a PhD (UPB, Colombia), both in education. With 20 years of experience as a language teacher and 15 as a teacher educator, Dr. Abad currently works as assistant professor for the English teaching programs at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. His research focuses on teacher research training, academic literacies, and collective writing practices. Dr. Abad is a member of EILEX research group and of EscriLab writing center. Since 2017 he coordinates semillero FORMALE, a student research lab on language teacher education. Besides teaching and research, he loves singing 

  Dr. Isabel Tejada Sánchez 

Universidad de Los Andes

Isabel Tejada Sánchez earned a double PhD in Language Sciences from Paris 8 University and in Linguistic Communication and Multilingual Mediation from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. As an educator and researcher, she leads reflective spaces on the integration of artificial intelligence from a human-centered perspective in education and holds a certification in Prompt Engineering. Her research interests include second language learning in educational contexts, growth mindset, interculturality, and playful pedagogies. She is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Education at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia.

asocopi annual conference venue

Know our conference venue, 2025

Universidad del Magdalena

Santa Marta, Colombia

La Universidad del Magdalena es una universidad pública departamental cuya sede principal está ubicada en la ciudad de Santa Marta, capital del Magdalena, Colombia. Posee uno de los campus más grandes de la región. Es la única universidad de Latinoamérica acreditada internacionalmente como Universidad Comprometida (Engaged University) por su alta calidad e impacto en los territorios. Es ampliamente reconocida por sus políticas de inclusión e innovación y su aporte al desarrollo regional. Recibió la acreditación institucional de alta calidad del Ministerio de Educación Nacional siendo la segunda universidad pública de la región caribe en recibir dicha distinción. Asimismo, varios de sus programas también tienen acreditaciones internacionales. Es una institución de educación superior pública que tiene como misión contribuir a la transformación positiva y sostenible del territorio a partir de la formación de alta calidad con programas académicos flexibles, abiertos, adaptativos, accesibles y pertinentes en diferentes niveles y modalidades; la creación, transferencia y apropiación de conocimiento científico, tecnológico, artístico y cultural; el fomento de la innovación, el emprendimiento y la creación de valor social, en procesos de cooperación interinstitucional y de diálogo incluyente y constructivo con los territorios. Busca formar con calidad personas integrales, con capacidad de liderazgo, valores ciudadanos y competencias profesionales en los diversos campos de las ciencias, disciplinas y artes. Mediante la docencia, la investigación y la extensión genera y difunde conocimiento para mejorar la calidad de vida de las comunidades, aporta al desarrollo sostenible y contribuye a la consolidación de la democracia y la convivencia pacífica. Trabaja permanentemente en un ambiente de participación, solidaridad, compromiso, sentido de pertenencia y respeto por la pluridiversidad. La Universidad del Magdalena cuenta con 46 programas de pregrado, 19 especializaciones, 26 maestrías y 6 doctorados que apuntan a las necesidades de formación profesional de la región. Se destaca también que tiene 53 grupos de investigación, de los cuales 50 están reconocidos por el Ministerio de Ciencias, tecnología e innovación.




      Hotel AC by Marriott Santa Marta 

A 12 minutos en carro del evento

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Persona  adicional $100.000

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